Prolific – Snow in Spring

On our recent spring break trip, we went back to the east coast to visit family. However, we were surprised with an unforeseen weather event – snow in April!

Snow, falling and gathering on the branches

Thousands of drops, temporarily frozen on the branches just ready to come to life

Big wet snow, coming down outside a local restaurant preparing to open its outdoor area for the summer

Unbound joy at the unexpected treat

My California son was throughly delighted at the sight and experience. He was sad when it melted just a few hours later (as spring snow often does), but was so proud to tell his class when he came back about his experience.

Thank you Atma Photography for capturing the ephemeral beauty.

This has been a part of the WordPress Photo Challenge: Prolific

2 thoughts on “Prolific – Snow in Spring

  1. Pingback: Prolific: Flower Parade 2 (Buzz Lightyear) – What's (in) the picture?

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